#Specialist Audience
#Free Admission
#Suitable for english audience

From Venue to Venue: Discover Performance Venues in the Berlin Districts of Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg (Tina Pfurr (Künstlerische Leitung, Ballhaus Ost), Joy Kristin Kalu (Dramaturgie, Sophiensæle), Anete Colacioppo (Künstlerische Leitung, Acker Stadt Palast), Johannes Braun (Kunsthaus ACUD mit ACUD MACHT NEU und ACUD Theater), Daniel Schrader (Künstlerische Leitung, Ballhaus Ost))

Tour guide: Tina Pfurr (Artistic Director of Ballhaus Ost)

In English.
Four venues in three hours and a walk through Weinbergspark. From Venue to Venue takes visiting industry professionals from throughout Germany and abroad behind the scenes of four Berlin performance venues, inviting them to become better acquainted with the artistic directors, the other industry professionals visiting the festival and this one-of-a-kind city in all of its summer glory.
The tour begins at the oldest continuously active production and performance venue for independently produced theater and dance projects in Berlin, Sophiensæle, and places the focus on performance venues in Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg. The artistic teams or a representative of the artistic team of Sophiensæle, Acker Stadt Palast, Arthouse ACUD with ACUD MACHT NEU and ACUD Theater and Ballhaus Ost will provide tours of their venues and insight into their current working methods, schedules of programming and productions.
Free admission. Registration is required due to the low possible number of participants. fachpublikum(at)performingarts-festival.de
The event on June 7 is fully booked. Unfortunately we cannot accept further registrations.

Keine Tickets erforderlich
Price: Eintritt frei
Participants need a BVG ticket.
ca. 195 Min.
ca. 195 Min.
Sophiensæle, Sophienstraße 18, Mitte, 10178 Berlin
Partially barrier-free (for persons with motor impairments). We ask wheelchair users and persons with walking impediments to contact us in advance.


For all participants and guests of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival.
Part of the ancillary program conceived and developed by the Performing Arts Festival team.

Venue Info:

» Sophiensæle